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Title: Windictus Tieve Bot Guide (Registration, Linking, Account Maintenance)
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The Tieve bot is your first stop once you join the Windictus discord.

[Image: sm1V1eu.png]

Using the bot requires that you use Direct(private) Messages(DMs), using commands starting with an exclamation mark(!).

In order to start issuing commands, you need to either write the command in the "Message @Tieve" box, which, upon pressing Enter, will automatically start a conversation, or, you should right click on the bot at the top of the member list, then click on "Message".

[Image: ykDH6CD.png]

The first command you will probably use is the command the bot itself mentions to you, that being !Help. Upon using it, Tieve will send you a message containing all the possible commands you can use.

Bear in mind, these will all need to be written with an exclamation mark(!) behind them.

[Image: dXut29U.png]

If you are being given error messages instead of any responses, you might need to enable Allow direct messages from server members, which can be found under the Privacy & Safety tab in the discord settings. It may or may not be required that you leave and rejoin the discord server for this to take effect.

[Image: QAtt7Wr.png]

First things first, as with any online game, I should remind you that your account data is your own and should be kept private, so make sure you don't share it with anyone. If you feel like this disclaimer was pointless, then congratulations, it wasn't aimed at you.

The !Register command, when written as-is, will prompt the bot to explain its purpose, as well as showing the syntax it expects.

[Image: gC7sj3M.png]

The given syntax is important, as the bot might either not accept your request at all, or understand the wrong data in account creation, so mind that you need to write each thing separately, with no spaces within them, and with one space between each.

Please, also, mind the format in which you're required to write your birthday: it is month/day/year, which means, for a date such as 15th of october 2002, you'll need to write 08/15/2002.

If you wrote everything successfully(and had a password between 8 and 24 characters), Tieve will congratulate you on a job well done.

[Image: 2QffFFv.png]

If you are a returning player, from back before this bot existed, first of all, welcome back. Second of all, you will see that your account is no longer accessible, on account of you now needing an actual password.

Using the !Link command as-is, will give you this response:

[Image: 3IKJA1G.png]

After putting in the right data, the bot will wish you good luck.

[Image: roXdZK3.png]

Apart from the inGameAccountID and inGameSecondaryPw needing to match that of your old account's, everything else works as stated before. The account will be transferred over with all your progression, items, skills and everything else, so welcome back, and I hope you enjoy your stay once again.

Account Management
I place both !ChangePW and !Reset2ndPass in the same column, as they are not incredibly different from one another.

When querying Tieve with these commands, it will respond with one of these two instructions respectively:

[Image: wFsHozu.png]

[Image: 5bzncOt.png]

The only notable difference is that in the syntax of changing your password, you are required to give a replacement password before asking for the birthday and email, while with the secondary password you are only asked for your birthday and email, needing to set your secondary password in-game, after logging in again.

Now that you have set up your account, you're ready to download the game and begin playing. If you need a hand, you can check this guide, which will help you download the game and get everything working.

[Image: LHfeysk.png]


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